Perception of Inner City Life.

"All Eyes On Me
." I'm reporting from the streets, I'm educating and keeping it real with my people. Quote by: "Tupac Shakur."

"All Eyes On Me" genre are,
Musicmusic, Dramadrama, And Biographicaland biographical drama. "All Eyes On Me," the American Biographical drama received negative reviews from critics, but had a positive response from the audience. "All Eyes On Me" was produced by : David Robinson, L.T. Hutton, and James G, Robinson. Director ByDirected by: Benny Boom.

The connection between
"All Eyes On Me" and "The Perception Of Inner City Life. Has,"- has more movies that deliver a similar message e.g. Juice, Straight Outta Compton, Detroit, BoyzBoys in the Hood, New Jack City, and Lean On Me all give a brutal but honest depiction to the look on the "Perception of the Inner City Life". "

What do you think?

What is your perception of inner city life?

I have lived in,"
The Perception of
the Inner City Life,". Withwith the everyday struggles, watching your back making sure no one sticksticks you up, or just shootshoots you. I was ten years old when I seen hadsaw my first murder. I was twelve years old when my friend got his brains put on my face. I was five years old, when I shot my first gun; it was a .22, its nick name was a deuce deuce. I was seven years old, when I first had sex. Yea, yea I said, seven years old. I was only thirteen years old, when I stole my first car, it was a "Jeep Cherokee"."

Living the perception of what you might not think about life in the inner city. Being raised without a father(J.
Thompson)Thompson,) my father passed away right before my 5thfifth birthday. Being raised by some strong "Black Women,". Was I was not going to change my mind about finding the person that took my father (J. Thompson,) from me. I cried for two weeks straight. It ain't nothing like havinglosing your pop'sPop. I was a lost child at aan early age.

Was this a perception you had in mind, on what the inner city life is like?


(Stay with me)

The conditions of, "The Perception or(or should I say realityreality) of inner City Life"." More then half of the housing in my community was vacant. The homes that had families in them had rats, running in and out like they waswere kids. We had "Ninja Roches" these roaches which will not die, kill one and four more show up. Living inon a, low-priority low-income, in a community with no jobs and bad education. TalkingTalk about "Education in the inner city".. HOLY SMOKES!!!SMOKE!!!

"Lean On Me" was a movie that put the nail in the coffin. It
showshows you how our schoolschools are today. Elementary School was fun'fun as shit,' but i didntI didn't learn shit. Maybe I should say, somebody should have cared more or I should've cared more. I didntdidn't learn how to read untilluntil my freshman year of high school. Thanks to, Ms. Smith.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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